Pinterest Life

Lately I have caught myself being so caught up within this social media bubble. It keeps me up at night and stressed throughout the day questioning my abilities as a wife, homemaker, budgeter and employee. I don't have all my shit figured out, my house is covered in stuffing from dog toys and I have clothes piled up in laundry baskets. I love washing and drying clothes but I hate folding them... obviously you can tell I never worked in retail. I'm always terrified to try new recipes for the fear of ruining it or having something taste absolutely disgusting. I avoid interacting with new people for the simple fact that I rarely think out the words that leave my mouth and fear that I offend people without truly meaning to. I have breakdowns that I can't explain nor get to the bottom of. I feel at home deep in the woods waiting for a deer to cross my path and put meat in the freezer for my family. Snuggling my pups at home while they soothe my soul and put me at peace. Finding new DIY hacks so that I can save $100+ for my family and feel pride in the pieces that we work hard on for our home. My biggest endeavor to date is about to take place, I am determined to get my family back healthy, organized and happy. We will work together and tackle multiple projects in the weeks, months and years to follow and I hope that you will follow along and enjoy the laughs, sympathize with the tears and cheer us along through the struggles. How about I leave you with some of my latest pinterest ideas and feel free to share some of yours with me. Maybe we can work together on ways to make these possible.

Ok so this is one idea of a way to store all our new dishes/pots & pans from our wedding!

Pull out drawers!

Beautiful Desk

Idea Board

Weird Kitchen Nook Revamped

Feel free to leave me a comment below I am always checking back in so I will 100% respond!



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