
Showing posts from November, 2015

New Challenges

Following my last post most of you now realize I have a terrible fear of failure and letting others down. Once I was able to write that, post it and put it out to the world I decided that I do not want to let that hold me back from life. I have a super sociable husband that LOVES meeting new people (honestly I always sit back and wonder how he does it!) I always feel like I scare everyone away or I seem too recluse for them.. I've been called a hermit a few times and I'm beginning to own it! Earlier this week I did the unthinkable and found a way to put myself out to the world. I'm sure if you follow my Facebook or Instagram you have figured this out (and currently at my follower count that's the only way you got to this blog). I want to grow as a person, inspire others and create a healthy lifestyle for J and I to continue for years to come. Am I scared? Hell yeah! Am I gonna hear NO repeatedly... Most likely... Will these teach me a lot about rejection? That would b

Pinterest Life

Lately I have caught myself being so caught up within this social media bubble. It keeps me up at night and stressed throughout the day questioning my abilities as a wife, homemaker, budgeter and employee. I don't have all my shit figured out, my house is covered in stuffing from dog toys and I have clothes piled up in laundry baskets. I love washing and drying clothes but I hate folding them... obviously you can tell I never worked in retail. I'm always terrified to try new recipes for the fear of ruining it or having something taste absolutely disgusting. I avoid interacting with new people for the simple fact that I rarely think out the words that leave my mouth and fear that I offend people without truly meaning to. I have breakdowns that I can't explain nor get to the bottom of. I feel at home deep in the woods waiting for a deer to cross my path and put meat in the freezer for my family. Snuggling my pups at home while they soothe my soul and put me at peace. Finding


To say life has been crazy would be the understatement of the century! We had tons of family and friends in from all over the country (shoutout to my awesome friends in from Alaska!) Honestly enjoying my time with them and celebrating a beautiful wedding to my best friend truly took up a majority of time. A few days into the trip we all realized we didn't really take a ton of pictures because we were so caught in the moments together. Now that the wedding has passed and everyone has gone home we've spent tons of time cleaning house and getting back to our true love of hunting. J's favorite wedding gifts would of course have to be his meat grinder and sausage stuffer attachments for the kitchen aid! Not only that I've had to get back into the swing of working and let me say that has just been fun.  Now I'm being brutally honest with myself when I type this and honestly it could come back and bite me in the ass but here goes.... Am I happy?  With my marria